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A Letter to our families

This is a letter to families explaining how our day will run on the new covid regulations set for childcare centers including pickups and dropoffs.

Parent Book

This is our parent hand book. It is essential that potential parents of Sunshine's Place INC read it. Feel free to print it out.

Health and Safety Policies regarding Covid19

This document contains all health and safety policies regarding covid19 and how our center will operate during this pandemic.

Mask Permission Slip

This permission slip is for parents to chose if they want mask-wearing to be optional or mandatory.

Dates the center is closed 2021-2022

This is a list of dates the center will be closed in 2021-2022

Infant Application

This is the entire infant application that will need to be filled out for a potential child of Sunshine's Place.

Toddler/ Prek  and school age Application

This is entire Toddler/ PreK application that will need to be filled out for all potential toddlers and PreK students of Sunshine's Place.

Applicacion para infantes y Ninos en espanol

Esta applicacion tiene que ser llenada completamente para todo estudiante nuevo de Sunshine's Place INC

Confirmation of Provider Form

This form is needed for any parent with a voucher for childcare.

Transportation Policy

This document contains our transportation policies including the weather related conditions for closing.

Nuestra polica de invierno

Este documento contiene nuestra polica de transportacion y condiciones por la cual podemos cerrar cuando el clima lo nesecita.

Polica de el verano

Este documento contiene nuestra polica para el verano.

Sunblock permission slip

This is a permission slip to parents asking either the school or a parent provide sunscreen and if it is ok for us educators to apply said sunscreen or to deny sunblock all together.

Information Pack: Information Pack
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